Thursday, September 4, 2014

Superhero Transformations

Today I worked on superhero transformations. There are six superheroes, lady straightedge, pawabawa, robo-grow, captain abs, radical girl, and bipolar tommy. Lady straightedge represents a straight line, her equation is f(x) = x and she has nuclear fusion blasts from her eyes. Pawabawa is a parabola his equation is f(x) = x^2 and he has parabolic kinetic rays. Robo-grow is from the exponential family, her equation f(x) = 2^x and she has a ginormous robot suit. Captain abs represents absolute value his equation is f(x) = |x| And he has finger beams. Radical girl represents a square root her equation is f(x) = sqrt x and he has ninja skills with a sword. Lastly bipolar tommy represents Cubing and his equation is f(x) = x^3 and he has a curvy laser gun. All these superheroes and their powers helped to complete the missions. 

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