Sunday, November 9, 2014

Summary of Chapter 3

The main focus of chapter 3 was to find the zeroes of a function and there are many steps and different ways to do that. First we learned about polynomial functions and looked at end behavior and how to tell if a function is even or odd. We also learned about multiplicity which tells how many zeros a function has. We also learned how to do division of a polynomial function using long division and synthetic division which can be used to find the zeroes of a function. Another way to find zeroes is using p/s where p equals the factors of the constant over the factors of the leading coefficient and then you find all possible zeros and test those zeros in the equation. We also learned about approximating zeros which is basically just dividing the interval in half until you get a zero. The last thing we learned is rational functions and we learned how to find vertical, horizontal, and slant asymptotes and the holes of an equation. Here's a picture showing how to find all these asymptotes and holes. 

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